• Phone +39 080 748840

    Fax. +39 080 4135392

  • Via San Donato, 80

    70043 Monopoli (BA) IT

  • info@ldmontaggi.it

    e-mail address


direttiva (UE) 2019/1937 del 23 ottobre 2019

Do not use this page for complaints, communications, suggestions on services to the public of a commercial nature.

LD Montaggi S.a.s. di Levita Giovanni & C. adopts a process for receiving, analyzing and processing reports regarding the Company sent by third parties or its employees.

The process complies with the regulatory changes introduced by the Legislative Decree. 10 March 2023, n. 24 implementing Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019, concerning the protection of persons reporting breaches of Union law and containing provisions concerning the protection of persons reporting breaches of national regulatory provisions or the European Union which harm the public interest or the integrity of the public administration or private entity, of which they became aware in a public or private working context.

To send and manage reports, our company uses a dedicated IT platform, accessible from the link indicated below.

Reference legislation

D.lgs. 10 marzo 2023, n. 24
di attuazione della direttiva (UE) 2019/1937 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 23 ottobre 2019

Company information

Last edit
27 Maggio 2024

Management of reports

Last edit
27 Maggio 2024

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